
High school fleet & world of warships
High school fleet & world of warships

Overall, HSF Harekaze is a unique combination of many different ships, largely retaining its identity as a Japanese destroyer but with German contributions (a slight nod to the events of the anime series). However, she gains the hydroacoustic search found on tier VIII and IX German destroyers Z-23 and Z-46 with a 5km detection of ships. Harekaze II loses the ability of Harekaze to trade the smoke generator for a torpedo reload booster. 2 torpedoes found on Kagero which feature increased torpedo speed and damage. Her torpedo armament consists of the upgraded 10km Type 93 mod. However, she bears a unique gun configuration with three German single-mounted 150mm guns. Instead of the three different hull configurations present on HSF Harekaze, Harekaze II only has one hull configuration which is the same as the Harekaze 1-4 and 4-10 hulls. As a nod to her origins in the anime series, Harekaze II is comprised of traits from many different destroyers although she is largely derived from HSF Harekaze.

high school fleet & world of warships

HSF Harekaze II is a fictitious Kagero-class destroyer crossover from the High School Fleet ( Haifuri) anime series. The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.įor a graphic summary of ships Tiers VIII thru XI see LittleWhiteMouse's "Actual AA DPS".

High school fleet & world of warships